Learning at Stonefields School
Learning at Stonefields can be best described as relevant, rich and engaging. It is informed by a set of well-established vision principles, local and international research, and the voices of those that matter most - our learners and their whānau. Every day children focus on building their learning capacity, developing collaborative skills, making meaning of the world around them, and ‘breaking through’ - exploring their own strengths, interests and curiosities. What this means is that children not only learn the all important foundational literacies, but also develop their confidence, curiosity and agency, building their understanding of how to learn. This we believe is how we as a school can best serve our learners and our community - setting children up for success now, and in the future.
Our Language of Learning
A decade of experience has shown us the power of having a shared language of learning at school. It helps teachers teach better and helps children to describe 'what to do when they don't know what to do'.

Learning Hubs
We are proud of our well resourced and innovative learning environments, and the learning that happens within them.
The Learning Hubs (Innovative Learning Environments) have been specifically designed to support the school’s vision of teaching and learning. They offer a range of learning settings that teachers and learners can move between, according to the learning they are doing. Hubs generally are home to two or three teachers and between 50 - 80 learners. The team of teachers work together to design learning for all learners. An individual learner's learning may be caused by any of the teachers within the learning hub. A key to the learner's success is the teacher's ability to empower learners to take ownership of their learning.
Hubs are generally made up of two year levels, providing learners with the opportunity to work alongside those who are both older, and younger than they are. This is very much in line with the concept of tuakana–teina, and is a key feature of learning at Stonefields.
Each learner has a guardian teacher who is their advocate, strength nurturer, talent finder, motivator and learning activator. This adult acts as the individual's guardian while situated in the Learning Hub, and is often the first port of call for parents. The hub teachers are collectively responsible for learning and communicating with parents.
What is Exploring Through (ET)?
Along with learning the core competencies of literacy and numeracy, Stonefields' learners also get the opportunity to explore Music, Visual Arts and STEAM through our Exploring Through (ET) programme.
Check out the video to find out more
Wellbeing - The MITEY approach
Teachers, parents and experts all agree. Mental health education has never been more crucial for our children. Stonefields School employs the Sir John Kirwan Foundation MITEY approach.
MITEY is an evidence based, school wide approach to teaching mental health education which is built around the NZ Curriculum and aligned to the Mental Health Education Guidelines.
Student Leadership
As learners reach the senior end of our school, they are encouraged to take up a leadership opportunity. Learners write a cv and submit an application for leadership roles including:
School tour guides
Sports leaders
Tech support
Junior class leaders
Kapa Haka leaders
Student council, and many more