Home Learning
Home learning, when tailored to meet each individual's needs, can be very beneficial. It promotes learner agency by encouraging children to take the initiative and responsibility for completing a task or practising something they want to get better at. It also provides parents with an opportunity to know what their child is learning, support them at home, and understand how they are progressing.
Home learning should be a positive experience. We want it to promote, not detract from learning. For example, too much homework can lead to stress and unnecessary pressure and a lack of balance in children's lives. Non-specific home learning unrelated to a child's next steps can end up being busywork rather than constructive learning.
We do encourage families to think about the following types of home learning. Children could :
Practice reading to someone, with someone, or on their own.
Practice sight words, spelling and basic facts using a recommended website or hardcopy materials.
Access SchoolTalk learning and continuing some learning in an area they need to work on (highlighted yellow).
Learn something new, like a musical instrument or game.
Take part in afterschool sports and activities such as netball, cricket, touch rugby, or gymnastics
SchoolTalk is an innovative web app, that makes learning and progress visible for teachers, children and their parents. There are four key purposes that have been intentionally designed into SchoolTalk's functionality. These are:
Building learner agency - Learners know how they are going and what their next steps are
Automating realtime progress and achievement reporting
Building parent partnerships
Developing teacher effectiveness and efficiency
Research shows that learners who know how they are going, where they are and where to next, develop agency and are equipped to progress their own learning. SchoolTalk is populated with learning progressions in critical to Know areas like Reading, Writing, Maths and 'Critical to Learn' e.g. capabilities such as collaborating and wellbeing.
You can be as involved with your child's learning as you choose. Logging into SchoolTalk with your child is a great way to stay connected with what they are learning and how they are going. Your child's progressions can be viewed anytime by logging into SchoolTalk and will give you up to date information on what they have achieved (highlighted in green) and what their next learning steps are (highlighted in yellow)